Thomas Road Clinic - Now Open


Welcome to Thrive

Mental Wellbeing Resources for Ethnic Communities

Thrive was born out a vision to help ethnic communities in Aotearoa NZ have easier access to mental wellbeing tools and resources. 

Watch the video above to hear what this page is about, and use the buttons to view all of the Thrive information and resources in your language. 

People come to live in New Zealand from many countries.  Currently people from around 200 different ethnic groups (including African, Asian, European, Latin-American and Middle Eastern), speaking over 170 languages live here.  This website has been developed to help make it easier to understand problems that might affect people’s minds and how to address them.  As there are so many languages, we have started with information in English, Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Hindi, Dari and Spanish and hope to make it available in other languages in the future.